Designed & maintained by John R Baron     Hosted by

Coalville & District Constitutional Club

Member’s Christmas Supper - Friday 7th December 2018

Limited Tickets for this popular event

Buying a £5 ticket for the Buffet* before Monday night, 4th December is essential as ticket sales close then because the Buffet Food for the number of tickets sold is ordered the next day.

* Ticket includes one pint of beer/or double spirits/ or small bottle of wine/ or soft drink of your choice.


We have just had Sky TV installed and will shortly have large TV’s at either end of the downstairs Bar and a further one upstairs, each capable of different channels.

Beside the standard Sky Package, there are 10 SKY Sports Channels, including Football Premier League, International games, F1 etc.  Members, come on down to view these free programmes, and if any are outside our normal hours we may be able to extend opening if there is sufficient support.  We may be able to record programmes for viewing at a later date, by request.

For more information on OUR SKY click here


Annual Membership of the Club is due on 1st January 2018 at £5 each (reduced to £2.50 for retired over 65’s).  

Present your Blue Membership Card for SIGNING.

Renewals can take place immediately.  New Members approved now will have Membership until 31st December 2018.

Current Members should update their address, phone number and email address at the bar.

Long Standing Members - The Club may not have your date of birth, please give this at the bar.

Free Tickets for Members!

We hope to have further free sports events tickets to give to Members later this year, courtesy of Molsen Coors.

Watch the Club Notice Board for your chance to apply.


Now drawn every Friday in the Bar

Just ask how YOU can play and win!

Snooker Tournament

Members please put your names down for the Snooker Tournament happening only on Saturday 7th April 2018.  This is a shortened game with cash prizes and trophies.  There is an entrance charge, limited number of entrants, closing date 24th March 2018.  Al cash paid in will be paid out in prizes.