Designed & maintained by John R Baron     Hosted by

Coalville & District Constitutional Club


Mel Beard


Terry Williamson


The Committee

Coalville & District Constitutional Club

76 High Street



LE67 3EE

Tel.  01530 836623

Email -

Anthony Culver

This could be


George McCarthy

Vice Chairman

Dave Gilbert


This could be


This could be


This could be


Qualifications: Members of at least 12 months standing; regular users of Club; dedicated, enthusiastic and hardworking; people persons; ideally with committee or management experience, or at least having extensive knowledge of people or organisations.

Rewards: Unpaid and normally no perks; just the satisfaction of making a difference and doing the necessary  background work to keep the Club thriving and improving.

About the Club

In recent years the Club has been successful with a gradual increase in membership, contrary to the national trend of clubs and pubs closing down.

This has been achieved by giving good service, great drinks at low prices, careful housekeeping and diligent negotiations with suppliers.

Surpluses are ploughed back into keeping Club prices down and in addition paying for repairs, renovations and improvements.

The Membership Year runs from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, but new Members can apply to join at anytime.  

Memberships is available at our new low annual subscription to ladies & gentlemen of good character who are aged 18 or over.

The renovated Club frontage is now completed by our flower baskets and handwritten name boards, showing our new successful image and brightening the Coalville High Street.  Please tell your friends and relations what you think.

Members are encouraged to look frequently at the Club Notice Boards; apart from the news of what is happening.  We ask members for their opinions as to what they think.